Friday, June 26, 2020

Hindu untouchables? Parsis have "impure" castes who handle the dead - Book Review: The Good Parsi

All it takes is one drop of poison

See Rest Of Book Review (Here)

From: Luhrmann, T.M. "The Good Parsi: The fate of a colonial elite in a postcolonial society". Harvard University Press, 1996

Page 80

"In 1979 Time/Life books published, in their series of Great Cities books, a portrait of Bombay. Parsis appear throughout the text but are most famously illustrated by a photograph of the dokhmas, taken from above. The dokhma, or Tower of Silence, as an Englishman supposedly dubbed it, is a high-walled, circular platform where the Parsis leave their dead, to be eaten by vultures and kites. After the vultures have disposed of the flesh, the nassasalars—a special, impure, caste-like subsection of the Parsi community who handle the dead—push the bones down into to a central pit." 

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