Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Parsis most racist against darkest-skinned South Indians: Book Review - The Good Parsi

All it takes is one drop of poison

See Rest Of Book Review (Here)

From: Luhrmann, T.M. "The Good Parsi: The fate of a colonial elite in a postcolonial society". Harvard University Press, 1996

Pages 153-155

But in 1984 this son married a South Indian - not only a non-Parsi, but a dark-skinned woman. His parents did not attend the wedding and have nothing more to do with him. "My boss said, you must go to the wedding and give you son your blessing. My foot, I said. Once my son even brought her to the office for my blessing. And I said, my foot." He found out about his son's interest in this outsider when his office mates started "making mischief" with him, saying that his son will marry a non-Parsi...

...Both his sons, to Cyrus, are destroying their ancestry and insulting their parents. One humiliates him by marrying out - not only a non-Parsi, but a dark-skinned woman, which throughout India is a stain upon the family.

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